
Banking (Coming Soon)

Unlock access to the U.S banking system from anywhere in the world* , with a modern checking account and treasury allowing you to earn yield on your cash from day 1.

*Initially, only Japanese citizens will have the ability to open a U.S based account from outside the United States.

*We require applicants to establish an entity in the U.S before opening an account with us. Our team can help set you up. Learn more

Move funds globally, fast

Make payments worldwide in several currencies, at the best rates.

Earn Money

Earn yield on all your cash from day 1 with no required minimums or transaction fees.

Secure your Money

Funds stored in your account are insured by the FDIC (amount TBD), providing you with safety and peace of mind.


If you'd like a quick demo on how ZORI works, or if you're ready to get started apply for a free account.
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